An hacienda is a really big house were slaves are contained, there were separated by ranches, each one of does had one encomended who lead the ranch. The hacienda had one big boss that commanded the encomendeds. The encomendends weren’t able to take territory away from the slaves so they started to take territories from Indian communities, big towns were formed with the nucleus of the haciendas. The biggest the hacienda, the most money the owner had and other economic activities, like cocoa, fruits vegetables, gold mines and also animals. As the book (Colombia Imagenes de su Diversidad) says “La hacienda era un simbolo de patrimonio, riqueza, de bienestar y de poder”. (page 112).
When in Europe they saw and taste the cooffe, the haciendas grew more and they started to export to Europe and soon to all the world. When this happened some plants died so they started to make fruit trees for them to give shadow and channels of water for the place to be more humid. This incremented the crops. Before this there were two collecting times a year, with this situation incremented to 4 times a year. But when there were good times there were also bad times and crisis. Some times some haciendas didn’t produced nothing for a year.
I think that the crops were and have been all this time our strength, over all the coffee and the bananas. Without that were would you think Colombia would be?
Pablo, I think that you need to correct the parragraph where you explain that the europeans liked the coffe, and why the "haciendas" grow.
ResponderEliminarI would read your next week text!!!
I think you shuold expand better your essay, because it would be more understanadable and detailed