lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

colombian map, and its changes (wk 2)

Hey there, today I’m going to talk about Colombians map and its changes. A map represents many things, for example if its big it means that a country is or was strong and took the land before its neighbors. A map is the home of the people that live there and of all the events that have happened there, and like the book “Colombia, Imagenes de su Diversida” says “El mapa de un pais es la casa que resguarda la historia de quienes la han habitado desde siempre”(page 13). Every map contains its history and Colombian is not an exception, as a matter of fact it is very interesting. Colombia have had plenty of changes in its territory and each map has a name, each shape represents a war, civil war, problems in politics and/or economic problems, but there have been different cases like for example the panama chanal, Colombia lost in 1903 caused by the civil war.

Colombian first map was big and then it began to split. It was first “La Gran Colombia” and then it split into Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panamá. For Colombia to be more successful it would first have to organize itself, and eliminate the Farc, then reunite with the other part of La Gran Colombia. Colombia could be one of the most powerful and richest Countries of the world if it would maintain together and unit its strengths like coffee or Venezuela’s oil. But we are also successful in sports but we don’t have enough money. But all countries have their problem, even though Colombian problems are bigger than others, almost all the habitants love its country and would do anything to keep it save. But there are other people that are selfish and only care about themselves, their family and don’t care about their country, so they throw papers, make the cities dirty and disorganized.

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