miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


This movie is about a group of Spanish colonizers betray Spain and go on the search of “EL DORADO” by their own. Because they were on their own the named an Emperor which commanded the boat, they followed all Spanish rules as if they were there. They sailed capturing Indians and asking them for gold and El Dorado. (There was an Indian that translate them). In this movie the director likes to make as see the movie as if we were there and that why he when the characters are wet the camera gets wet to, when someone is killed blood gets to the camera and things like that.
The principal characters were:
Aguirre: he was like the one all fear even the Emperor, he killed his commander and replace him.
Her daughter: she was the only one he loved and treated well.
Lope de Vega: he was the commander before Aguirre, Aguirre killed him.
Lope de Vega’s wife: when Lope de Vega was killed she enter in a deep depression and in one stop in the jungle she disappeared in the woods.
There was another like 20 soldiers that died some of hunger or murdered by Indians cannibals. There was also a black slave that was used to scare Indians because he was black.
I don’t like that they stay too much time in one place showing the same thing if. I don’t like either the effects. What I like from this movie is the topic because its very interesting how they show that it wasn’t easy for Spanish here in America. I also like because it is very realistic, how they treated the Indians, like if they weren’t humans, also their believing
My favorite part is when they make a trail like in their country to kill Lope de Vega, because it show haw they still respected their country even when they had betray it.


Since Spanish came here they tried to low Indian population, they didn’t allowed Indians to have communities of more than 300 people.
This table shows the Indian population in those times. I’ve obtain it on the book “Colombia Imagenes de su Diersidad” (page 82).

Indian Population
Region Caribe 2.565.376 23.70

Region Andina Oriental 2.423.728 25.20
Occidental 3.170.160 33.00
Alto Magdalena 120.000 1.25
Region Llanos 500.000 5.20
Region Amazon 720.000 7.50
Region Pacific 120.000 1.25
Totals 9.619.264 100.00
Pre Hispanic population in Colombia 1500
The population since then lowed so much that the Quimbayas were1500 Indians and low to 47 and then to 0. Many Indians extinguished, but some others survived and live now days.
When Spanish got here they needed food quickly so they saw that the Indians had very nice crops so they steeled and sell them. They also took as much gold as the Indians had, and when it was over they tortured the caciques till death. But that wasn’t all, they also sell the Indians itself, they started selling then at 564 pesos but raised 1,931. And when there was a murder or a robbery Indians were accused (although, it was probably them). Many Indians also committed suicide. All of this low the Indian population.
For centuries and centuries the racism has been on of the mayor causes of murders and wars. Like the world wars, the Germans discriminated Jews, in us the black people were very discriminated for many years, and here Indians were discriminated. Even now a days the racism exists. Sometimes without knowing I discriminate other people, and it might happen to you to.