viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009


Hey again,

Today I’m going to start talking about Spanish colonialism in America. When Spanish boats came to America they were amused by all our gold. Not just that, they were also surprised for our food, animals, and different places like the beaches, jungles and mountains. Hermes Tovar cites a text written by a Spaniard conqueror describing this situation: “El Rey llevaba un pectoral de oro sobre su pecho, colgado de una cadena de oro, y una mascara de oro, y en sus pies cuatro campanillas de oro que pesaban un marco cada una, y con el iban veinte indios, todos con mascaras de oro sobre sus rostros, sonando matracas de oro de treinta marcos de peso” (Colombia Imágenes de su Diversidad, page 42).

The Spaniards started to make up stories in each region about fantastic animals and cultures. Because of that, more and more Spanish sailors started coming and invading all America. Colombia, Peru, and Mexico were very good producers of gold and precious rocks, more then other countries in America. When Indians refused to give gold and stones, Spanish men started to take it by force. They started killing, stilling and taking prisoners.

Today, after investigating and knowing what I know, I wonder what a Spanish citizen could think about the colonization period. Many bad things happened to our native cultures. I now wonder if the Spanish people regret what happened more than 500 hundred years ago or they just think it is a situation that has to stay in the past and be forgotten.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009


Todays topic is going to be about Colombian Natives before the Spanish colonization, their culture and religion. In Colombia there were many kinds of Cultures such as Muiscas, Tumaco, Tairona, Quimbayas and Senues. Every one of these cultures had a strength that we will se today.

Muiscas and Guanes: they were known for their knitting’s; they lived on “Altiplano de Nariño”

Tumaco: they were known for their ceramic figures.

Tairona: they were known for their collars, they lived on La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Quinballas: they were known by their gold figures.

Senues: they were known for their iconography with gold.

When Spanish colonies step in Colombia they saw that every community had its treasure so they started to take control of every community for their gold. They took casiques (the leaders) and torture them to give them the location of the gold. They took lots and lots of gold. And so does the legend of “El Dorado” born along with some others. El Dorado was a place in which many gold was stored in a secret place known only by it s owners which died. Many Spanish came here just to look for it.

In conclusion Spanish took our biggest strength (Gold) and stole it from us. With that gold Colombia could be richer in the present.